Qasas ul Anbiya -(stories of the prophets) - Shaykh Maulana Makki Al Hijazi

Qasas ul Anbiya -(stories of the prophets)
 Shaykh Maulana Makki Al Hijazi

Shaykh Mohammad Khair Makki al-Hijazi is a Senior Hanafi Shaykh in Makkah. He is a traditional classical scholar. He hold his majlis everyday, after magrib in front of the Kaabah at Bab al-Umrah for the Indo-Pak people. And after Ishraaq for the arab speaking folks. He has been doing this for many years. His family has been there I think before or around the separation of Pakistan and India. Prior to him, his father used to hold the majlis in Haram.

Part - 24

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